Shelter Homes

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Shelter: The shelter will provide residence for those poor destitute living with cancer or elderly dependents that are compelled to live on the streets.

They will be provided two square meals for subsistence. They will share the responsibility of cleanliness and maintenance of the place. They will also giving vocational training to earn their daily bread & butter. They will also look after the children, elderly and the sick. Working towards removing the stigma associated with the condition through awareness building exercises in this shelter would help in containing these deadly diseases.


  • To develop a shelter for that cancer patients who have been thrown out of the brothels, & widows by their near –dear one due to sickness and are forced to live on the streets.
  • To provide a charitable hospice services for chronically ill, aged, & Cancer patients.
  • To provide a rehabilitation and vocational training center for cancer patients and widows infected with to provide them better opportunities and behavior change
  • To provide health facilities to tribal people.
  • Rehabilitating those who are strong enough in the mainstream of society

Shree Sant Gadge Maharaj Dharmshala
1/73, Sant Gadge maharaj lane, Dadasaheb Falke road, Dadar East-40014

Shree Swami Samarth Old Age Home
Plot no 71, sector no 19, Ulve, Navi Mumbai

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8879815858 / 8080036632

We are always ready to help you in health, education, womens safety, Old Age homes, sheltor homes and food for everyone. You can contact us via our mobile numbers or email id or visit our office address.

  • A - 150, Sector 2, Airoli, New Mumbai

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