Old Age Support

Most Old people have to face loneliness because of the fast moving life of their children.

Aging Scenario:

  • India has the second largest aged population in the world.
  • 75% of persons of age 60 and above reside in rural areas.
  • 1 out 7 elderly feel no cares they exist.
  • 33% are below the poverty line and majority of them are illiterate.
  • More than two third of the Oldest Old (70+) are financially dependent on others.







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For any help please contact us on

8879815858 / 8080036632

We are always ready to help you in health, education, womens safety, Old Age homes, sheltor homes and food for everyone. You can contact us via our mobile numbers or email id or visit our office address.

  • info@helpingagefoundation.com
  • A - 150, Sector 2, Airoli, New Mumbai

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